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(770) 435-9393

Passionflowers Blog

Does just looking at this image make you SNEEZE ???

Kara Shaw

Well, it shouldn't...

We see goldenrod's bright fluffy yellow flowers popping up at this time of year and we are conditioned to think, "oh no!" But as it turns out, goldenrod has gotten a bad rap.

Actually, the weeds we are allergic to during the fall just happen to come out at the same time as goldenrod, but they are not quite as eye-catching, and they fly under the radar, while goldenrod gets the bad name.

In reality, goldenrod is the cure to fall pollens that trigger our allergies. What an unsung hero! The story of goldenrod is really similar to a fluffy yellow flower that pops up in the spring and also has a bad rap... the dandelion. : ) Both are joyous, beneficial, amazing herbs that are much underappreciated and hated in society, despite the good work they do for us humans.

Goldenrod is one of the herbs that I use in my very popular Allergy Tea formula, which sells out all year long here in the allergy capital of the world, but is especially popular in the spring and fall. Lots of clients drink a cup or 2 of allergy tea per day during the spring or fall (or whenever their allergies kick in), in order to counterbalance the affects of pollens and keep their allergies from becoming an infection. Drinking this tea can keep you off of over-the-counter medicines completely. Use of OTC allergy medicines has been linked to dementia and Alzheimer's, so being off of them is a really great idea.

You can find the Allergy Tea on our products page or you can call us at 770 435 9393 to purchase.