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Wild Abundance Flower Essence

Floral Essences

Wild Abundance Flower Essence

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Wild Abundance Flower Essence

from $40.00

MAGNIFIES: Awareness + sharpened senses; synchronicity; abundance + prosperity; gratitude + appreciation; embracing all aspects of self; gracefulness; attraction

DISSOLVES: Self-doubt, sense of scarcity, lack of clarity

AROMA: Floral + Wood: Jasmine, Iris, Buddhawood, Sandalwood. 

INGREDIENTS: Purified water (Aqua), Jasminum grandiflorum(Jasmine Absolute Oil), Santalum paniculatum(Hawaiian Sandalwood) Oil, Monarda fistulosa(Monarda) Oil, Iris germanica (Orris root) Oil, Eremphila mitchellii(Buddhawood) Oil, Paeonia lactiflora(Peony) flower essence, Gardenia jasminoides (Gardenia) flower essence, Jasminum sambac(Jasmine) flower essence, Nymphaea odorata(White Water Lily) flower essence, Achillea millefolium(Yarrow) flower essence, Nelumba nucifera(Lotus) flower essence and Diamond gem essence.


Elixir: Enjoy 5 drops sublingually 5 times each day regularly until bottle is finished; or put a dropperful (approx. 25 drops) in your water bottle each morning and drink throughout the day.

Mist: Mist above and around your crown, neck and shoulders 5 times a day, everyday.

Oil: Apply to pulse points {wrists, neck, behind ears} 5 times daily for transformative results.

Essences Inside: Peony, White Water Lily, Night-Blooming Jasmine, Gardenia, Yarrow, Wisdom, and Diamond

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